aka Porkless Hare Manifesto
Thank you to all who volunteer as hares for DH3!! There wouldn’t be a hash without hares. Haring requires a lot of planning, not just of trail, but also for the BQs, BNs, circle location, and On After.
In Dayton we are lucky to have over 52 hashes a year, which means we need 100-150 hares each year! With an average of 25 hashers per DH3 trail, that means each DH3 regular should consider haring at least 4 times each year.
The 2020 calendar and hare checklist are posted to the DH3 website. Please consider signing up to hare on the open dates between Jan-March, 2020. We want to fill up the closest dates for now. You can sign up to hare by letting Goes Down Dirty or Porkless know.
Thank you again for volunteering and keeping these things in mind when preparing for the “big day”.
Before Signing-up
- Be 99.69% sure you have no other plans that day and at least 2-3 weeks prior to scout.
- Have a co-hare who clearly says to you, “I will be your co-hare on this date and help you scout 2-3 weeks before”
- If for whatever reason, good or bad, you must bail, make sure you have a replacement hare or contact MisManagement (MM) no later than 4 weeks prior to trail.
- Every Dayton centurion, consider being a co-hare at least three timea/year; ask a non-centurion to be your co-hare.
- Hares with less than 5 harings, ask a centurion to be a co-hare
Now that you are a committed hare with a committed co-hare
- Scout at least 3 times – a google map alone will not get you those great BCs, Backchecks, hidden alleys, tunnel, shiggy, or pciture checks.
- Ask to use someone’s private property or avoid it; you may not get yelled at, but the pack most certainly will and the pack may lose trail if they can’t go where you went.
- Send erections to Goes Down Dirty two weeks prior to the event. The no-brain pack and out-of-towners like to plan ahead of time.
- If you use non-biodegradable tape to mark shiggy, take it down during or after the trail.
- BN and BQs – buy enough slut and craft beer to satisfy the hungry pack during trail. Hide each from muggles – we have had BQs and BNs stolen.
- If muggles, especially homeowners, ask what you’re doing, explain that you are preparing a fun run and using harmless baking flour. Even the friendly officers in blue will not give you a hard time if you stop and explain what you are doing. If you ignore them and keep running, now you’ve got some explaining to do.
- Keep evening trails to 3 miles or less – wankers still have to work!!!
- Weather permitting, plan an outdoor circle where we can drink beer you bought rather than paying twice as much at a bar.
- Pick a place that won’t attract the police: in shiggy, behind a shopping center.
- Buy 2-3 bags of snacks (orange food) to satisfy the hungry pack.
- Buy enough beer to cover BQs/BNs and circle
- Check around at local bars to get a private space and good pitcher prices – $7 or less
- Hash cash collected that day will cover the hares’ costs of orange food, beer, and ice used on trail and at circle.
- Let the On Sec know your expenses when you arrive for trail. This allows the On Sec to know how much money is left for the On After.
- On Sec or Mismanagement will work with the bar to cover the costs of beer at the On After.
- If you expect additional expenses, ASK the MM first. There are times when MM will approve additional expenses.
- Hares do not pay for the hash that day. This covers your expenses for flour and your time planning the wonderful trail for people to remember at Year in Review.
- Regular DH3 hashes are $6. If you plan an On After with Craft beer or highly expensive beer, charge $3 and the pack is on their own for On After drinks.